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Dreadlock maintenance

Get fresh and healthy dreadlocks today!

Welcome to Seienstyle!

Dreadlocks maintenance

Do you feel that it’s hard to do maintenance on your dreads yourself?

You can encounter various problems while you have dreadlocks, but for most of the problems there is a solution.

If you feel that it’s too hard to take care of your dreadlocks yourself, then you are welcome to come to me and get help.

It doesn’t matter if you’ve had your dreadlocks for a long time or if they are brand new, I can help you!

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Get the dreads of your dreams!

Be an inspiration to others wearing your dreadlocks with pride!

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How does it work?

For the last 26 years, I have been working with dreadlocks daily and through several educations and lots of hours I have developed my own method that gives you dreadlocks which will both mature fast and look beautiful right away when you leave my salon.

I start with dividing your hair and make sure that the dreads are separated, I then backcomb the regrowth and make sure that all your tiny hairs get into the right dreadlock, after that I then tie a synthetic fiber thread around your dreadlock at the root of the dread.

Then all loose hair is crocheted in and if you have bubbles or parts that need to be strengthened I will take care of that too.

Why do you use a string?

The string is applied for your hair to be kept separate and it also helps your regrowth to get matted faster when your hair grows.

How long does it take?

It takes me on average two hours to go through a whole head of dreadlocks.

In my booking calendar, you can choose to book between 1, 2 or 3 hours.

If you’re unsure what time to book - call me.

What does it cost?

I charge 1000 SEK per hour for dreadlocks maintenance, you pay for the time it takes to maintain your dreadlocks.

How often do I need dreadlocks maintenance?

This is a personal thing, some like it when the dreads are perfectly made and maintained while others like it when their dreads are a bit more wild.

You can come by from every third month to up to once a year, it all depends of course on how you take care of your dreadlocks in between the maintenance.

Book your free consultation already today!


For maintenance, I charge an hourly price of SEK 1200 per hour, on average a full head of hair with dreadlocks takes 2 hours to go through.


1200sek per hour

Seienstyle is an organic salon

For me, it is extremely important to work as naturally as possible and to have an environment that is a reflection of this. Everything I use in the salon is organic and I work with holistic hair methods that provide the opportunity to help you from the inside out!

"I'm a proud owner of a head full of dreadlocks made by Ann-Marie. Last met her a week ago for my yearly maintanance, always a nice moment, thank you Ann-Marie!"

Anna Thyr

Take the leap today!

Book your appointment today and get the dreads you've always dreamed of!

Get Reiki healing while you are getting your hair done!

For me, it is extremely important to work as naturally as possible and to have an environment that is a reflection of this. Everything I use in the salon is organic and I work with holistic hair methods that provide the opportunity to help you from the inside out!

Do you want to learn how to make dreadlocks here you can find the courses we offer?

Lär dig att underhålla dreads Självstudie  Utbildning.png
In-PErson Dreadlocks underhåll.png
Dreadlocks frisör  Självstudie  Utbildning.png
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